With over a thousand five hundred stores in Mexico, the United States of America, and Puerto Rico, Petco is nationally recognized as the best retail store for pets and pet products and services. 

This can be an attractive feature for job seekers who want to work at a retail store that deals in animals.

Petco is an enterprise that places a considerable amount of emphasis on its dress code and the appearance of its employees. The general dress code at Petco is casual. This means they can wear whatever they want with their mandatory company shirt. To some reasonable extent, Petco also allows its workers to have some tattoos and piercings put on some accessories and dye their hair as long as it is not improper. Keep on reading for comprehensive details about Petco’s dress requirements, including what is required of a new employee.

What is Petco’s Dress Code?

Psychologically, people are naturally attracted to what they perceive as lovely and comfortable. Your choice of dress is one of the pointers people can use in judging whether you are nice and comfortable to relate to. The dress code is one thing that makes an organization stand out. At Petco, store managers have carefully selected their choice of suitable clothing for the business.

Generally, at Petco, employees can put on any bottom, ranging from pants to skirts. However, many workers would always love to wear what makes them comfortable while carrying out their tasks. For example, as a pet groomer, you may choose to wear water-resistant clothing with multiple pockets to keep you dry from the pet’s waste while also carrying your grooming tools with extra convenience. As a pet trainer, you may consider loose-legged jeans such as boot cuts and any comfortable footwear, but not heels or any that can easily slip off your leg.

The Liberty of an employee’s choice of dressing is solely dependent on the store manager and what they would want to give room for. Apart from their regular clothing, employees wear other types of clothing for added protection in the work environment. Gloves, masks, socks, and, on occasion, glasses are encouraged.

Does Petco give room for Leggings?

This is dependent on the store manager’s choice of dressing. However, some Petco stores approve the wearing of leggings as long as your job role is comfortable with it, while others do not work because it does not pass for a business casual.

What footwear does Petco allow?

Just as it is with every other dress code, their choice of shoes is the decision of the store manager to make. However, one standard rule common to every store is that it must all be a covered shoe, covering the majority of the foot. Flat, high, or boots are allowed. But even at that liberty, employees are often advised to wear comfortable clothes that agree with their specific job task. For example, as a dog trainer, you are advised against heels but shoes you can quickly run in, such as canvas.

Can I Dress Up in Jeans for Work at Petco?

Yes, whatever color of jeans you wear is allowed in Petco. However, putting on split jeans is a no-no. Wearing jeans may not be advised for job positions that take on longer shifts because it can lead to being very uncomfortable.

Does Petco Allow for artificial nails?

Yes, but it must not be shocking and must be of a reasonable length.

Are Shorts Allowed At Petco?

This varies by retail store, but generally, shorts are often permitted.

Can I have piercings as an employee?

Piercing can be allowed at Petco, but it is at a stringent limit. This also depends on the manager of the store.

Can I color spray my hair? 

 Colored hair is not out of bounds at Petco. But, your choice of hair color must be elegant and suitable to look at. The color must not be offensive.

What if I want to have a tattoo done as an employee at Petco?

Petco generally allows employees to express themselves, the use of tattoos being inclusive as long as it is far from improper. Some managers, however, still restrict it.

What Can a newly employed worker wear before getting his brand new shirt?

Employees at the stores wear Petco customized shirts. However, if you are just newly employed and have yet to get your t-shirts, it is always advisable to keep it simple. Just put on a plain shirt and pants. Let your choice of clothing be business casual. It is essential to always wear your covered shoe. Wear this until you are given your branded shirt and regular name tag. 

When you receive your shirt, you can always wear bottoms that are comfortable for you, including jeans. It is also important to note that you can wear a shirt or long-sleeved shirt, but jackets are not permitted at Petco.


Pet I dress code varies by retail store, but their general standards remain a Petco branded shirt in business casual and a closed shoe. Generally, workers are always encouraged to wear what is comfortable for their work environment while still looking very presentable.

  1. Is there a procedure for applying for a job at Petco?

Just a slight interest in animals is sufficient to entice you to work at Petco. Getting a job at one of its retail stores should not be so much of a difficult thing to do. Nonetheless, having a job in the company requires a process to follow through, just as with many other jobs. Some job positions, like Vet. The doctor or other positions requiring high skills may demand you submit your resume and go for an interview.

  1. What age range can you apply for work at Petco?

Because of the job’s demands, the minimum age you can apply for a job at Petco is not less than eighteen years. There can be an exemption if the area where the store is located has a higher or lower legal age of responsibility.

  1. Is Petco a reputable business to seek a job in? 

Based on an anonymous employee review, at least two-thirds of its employees have a positive feeling toward the business, and half will recommend others to work in the company. 

  1. Is there any skill needed to be employed at Petco? 

An ordinary skill needed to work at Petco is having warm feelings for animals, mainly if your job is to work in one of the stores where you frequently contact the animals. Your skill in relating to pets will give you a hedge when it comes to your chances of being employed. For example, a cashier must have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to accounting, and a dog trainer must adequately know how to handle and relate to dogs. One who experiences a phobia of animals may not be considered.