Even with our handy cheat sheet, you’ll still need to read books to increase your Knowledge stat in the game itself. Otherwise, you won’t manage to score in the highest percentile on your exams, regardless of getting the answers right.

Finally, your classmates will occasionally call on you for help with a question. Answer it correctly to boost Expression and your S. Link levels with that friend.

Persona 4 Class Answers Guide: All Persona 4 Exams and Class Questions

Persona 4 Class Answers: April

April 14

Question: What is the year before 1AD called? Answer: 1 BC

April 18

Question: The word alphabet comes from the word “alpha” and what other one? Answer: Beta

April 20

Question: How many parts are there in Murakami’s “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”? Answer: 3

April 23

Question: What was the first economic bubble incident in the world? (or Yosuke’s question to you: What’s this ergonomic bubble she’s talking about?) Answer: Tulip mania

April 25

Question: What’s it called when you gain more muscle after getting sore through exercise? Answer: Overcompensation

April 26

Question: Which property of whole numbers doesn’t exist? (Chie to you: I don’t think I’ve heard of any of these?) Answer: Marriage numbers

April 30

Question: What is the greatest canyon in the solar system? Answer: Valles Marineris

Persona 4 Class Answers: May

Most of May is taken up with your first exams, the midterms. There’s just one normal question to answer before that and one at the end of the month.

May 7

Question: Do you know how Soseki Natsume translated the English phrase “I love you” into Japanese? Answer: The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?

May 26

Question: Tell me how the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves was disproven! Answer: Attendance logs

Persona 4 May Midterm Exams: 5/9-5/12

The midterms are mostly comprised of questions you already answered earlier in the term, plus some extra questions based on topics covered during the term that weren’t related to questions.

However, you won’t be able to pass the final day of the exam until New Game+, since it requires a Level 4 Knowledge stat. Keep in mind as well that you can’t do anything else during the exam period.

Midterms 5/9

Question: What is it called when muscles grow after exercise? Answer: Overcompensation

Midterms 5/10

Question 1: Which of these numbers does not exist? Answer: Marriage numbers Question 2: Who translated “I love you” as “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Answer: Soseki Natsume

Midterms 5/11

Question 1: Who said, “As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom?”  Answer: Pythagoras Question 2: Which of the following is the highest mountain in the solar system?  Answer: Olympus Mons

Midterms 5/12

You don’t have to answer anything here, but again, unless you’re on New Game+, you can’t earn the top spot on the exams.

Still, you’ll land in the Top 10 assuming you followed this guide. After the exam scores are posted on May 19, talk to your teacher, Dojima, and Nanako for some extra rewards. If you did end up in the Top 10, you’ll get +2 for each Social Link as well, +3 if you do manage to land in the top spot.

Persona 4 Class Answers: June

June 8

Question: What sport is heikin-dai? Answer: Balance Beam

June 13

Question: What kind of exercise is a sprint classified as? Answer: Anaerobics

June 15

Question: Tell me what morale is! Answer: Cheerfulness of a group

June 20

Question: What period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Answer: Meiji

June 27

Question: What is identity? Answer: Individuality

June 30

Question: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Answer: Pis Pis River

Persona 4 Class Answers: July

July has a bundle of normal questions to answer, and it’s also time for your finals.

July 4

Question: Who said this: “Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed?”  Answer: Pascal

July 7

Question: What is the beginning of “Gakumon no Susume” a reference too? Answer: The U. S. Declaration of Independence

July 13

Question: What is the medical term for brain freeze?  Answer: Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia (choice 3)

July 14

Question: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji? Answer: Kuukai

July 15

Question: Which line can a typhoon never cross? Answer: The Equator

July 16

Question: Tell me what makes the king of hearts look different from the other kings in a standard deck of cards? Answer: He has no mustache

Persona 4 Finals Exam Answers: 7/19-7/23

Now it’s time for your finals. Like the midterm period, you can’t do anything else during the exams. Unlike the midterms, there aren’t really any curveball questions here, though Level 4 Knowledge is still required to ace the last day of the finals.

Finals 7/19

Question 1: What is morale? Answer: Cheerfulness in a group Question 2: What sport is heikin-dai? Answer: Balance Beam

Finals 7/20

Question 1: It is said, “Even Kobo made mistakes in writing. ” Which Kanji did he make a mistake on?  Answer: First choice Question 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Answer: Meiji

Finals 7/21

Question 1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache?  Answer: King of Hearts Question 2: Who said this: “Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed”?   Answer: Pascal

Finals 7/22

Question 1: Which one of these is the name of a real river?  Answer: Pis Pis River Question 2: What is the beginning of “Gakumon no Susume” a reference to?  Answer: The U. S. Declaration of Independence

Finals 7/23

The last day of the final exams requires no answers from you. Scores are posted on July 25. If you’ve been diligent and did manage to get your Knowledge to Level 4, you’ll get a honkin’ chunk of cash from Dojima for acing your finals — 40,000 Yen — and +3 for every Social Link. If not, you’ll still get in the top 10 and earn +2 for each Social Link and 20,000 Yen from Dojima.

Persona 4 Class Answers: September

Enjoy your two months off from school, ‘cause it’s back to the grind in September.

September 4

Question: “Venison” is the meat of which animal? Answer: All of the above

September 5

Question: Which of the following is a kigo for fall? Answer: Brisk

September 17

Question: How short was history’s shortest war? Answer: 40 minutes

September 20

Question: What do you call somebody who’s between ninety and one hundred years old? Answer: A nonagenarian

September 28

Question: What part of the human body has an apple in it? (Friend question: Do you know the answer?) Answer: Throat

Persona 4 Class Answers: October

October brings with it a new set of midterms as well as plenty of questions.

October 4

Question: Which of these sports also uses an anchor? Answer: Tug-of-war

October 5

Question: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? (Friend question: Did you know the answer?) Answer: The right edge.

October 8

Question: Tell me what bird’s name means “coward” in English! Answer: Chicken

October 11

Question: What did Napoleon have invented? Answer: Glass jars

October 12

Question: Do you know what vegetable was used to make the first Jack o’ Lantern?  Answer: Turnips

October 13

Question: What kind of fish was I talking about?  Answer: Ojisan

Persona 4 October Midterms Exam Answers: 10/14-10/20

Next up is a full week of midterms. Like before, you need level 4 Knowledge to pass the final day, but that shouldn’t be a big deal by this point in the game.

October Midterms 10/14

Question 1: What part of the body contains the “Adam’s Apple” Answer: Throat. Question 2: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? Answer: The right edge.

October Midterms 10/15

Question 1: How short was history’s shortest war? Answer: 40 minutes Question 2: “Venison” is the meat of which animal? Answer: All of the above

October Midterms 10/17

Question 1: What is the Japanese name for “panda”? Answer: Black and white bears Question 2: Which bird is falsely known for being cowardly in the English phrase “to stick one’s head in the sand”? Answer: Ostrich

October Midterms 10/18

Question 1: What was the name of the Wasan textbook that came out in the Edo period? Answer: Math Girl Question 2: What did Napoleon have invented? Answer: Glass jars

October Midterms 10/19

Question 1: Which season is the adjective “brisk” a kigo for? Answer: Fall Question 2: What is “Dragon’s Blood”? Answer: Plant resin

October Midterms 10/20

You know the drill by now. No questions for the last day of exams, and the results go up on October 24. If you aced it, you get 50,000 Yen from Dojima, +3 for Social Links, and items from Nanako and your teacher. Placing in the top 10 gets you 25,000 Yen and +2 for each Social Link.

Persona 4 Class Answers: November

You’re nearing the end of the year, but there’s still plenty of questions to answer and another round of finals.

November 1

Question: Tell me what the “figure” in “figure skating” refers to! Answer: Geometric shapes

November 4

Question: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is?? (Friend question: Sorry, I have no idea) Answer: A cuckoo

November 7

Question: Which country do you think the South Pole belongs to? Answer: No country

November 11

Question: What desert is the Welwitschia from?  Answer: Namib

November 17

Question: Alcohol has to do with the roots of the word “bridal. ” Do you know how? (Friend question: Is that even in a textbook? The roots of “bridal”? What…?) Answer: Bride ale

November 22

Do you know what an atlas is? Answer: A book of maps

November 24

Question: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. . . What is this sequence called? Answer: Fibonacchi sequence

November 25

Question: There are over 130 ancient pyramids in Egypt, but do you know who’s buried in the biggest one? Answer: Khufu

November 26

Question: Which one of these is considered a “rice cake”?  Answer: Mochi

Persona 4 November Finals Exam Answers: 11/28-12/3

This time around, you’ll need max Knowledge to fully pass the finals.

Finals 11/28

Question 1: What does French food stem from? Answer: Italian Food Question 2: What does the “figure” in “figure skating” refer to? Answer: Geometric shapes

Finals 11/29

Question 1: Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? Answer: Khufu Question 2: What is a book of maps called? Answer: Atlas

Finals 11/30

Question 1: What word has the words “bride ale” as its roots? Answer: Bridal Question 2: What kind of bird is a “kanko-dori”? Answer: A cuckoo

Finals 12/1

Question 1: Which country does the South Pole belong to? Answer: No country Question 2: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. . . What is this sequence called? Answer: The Fibonacci sequence

Finals 12/2

Question 1: What desert is the Welwitschia found in? Answer : Namib Question 2: Which of these is considered a “rice cake”? Answer: Mochi

Persona 4 Class Answers: December

School goes on, despite everything else apparently going straight to hell. Here’s what you need to know for this month’s round of questions.

Finals 12/3

No major allowance boost for acing or placing in the Top 10 this time for big-time spoiler reasons, but you’ll still get the usual boosts for your Social Links. Check under Nanako’s seat at the living room table for a special item too.

December 9

Question: Do you know what color a fuzzy-wuzzy polar bear’s fur really is? Answer: Transparent

December 10

Question: What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight? Answer: The cross-section

December 17

Question: Do you know the intent behind the phrase, “Compassion is not for the good of others”? (Friend question: Huh? What? I wasn’t listening. . . help!) Answer: Compassion makes you look better

December 21

Question: Which Cleopatra is the one who was known as one of the three most beautiful women in the world? Answer: VII

Persona 4 Class Answers: January

If you’re on track for the Golden or True Ending, you get extra time in January for Social Links and, of course, school.

January 10

Question: What are you supposed to put on top of a kagami mochi? Answer: An orange

January 14

Question: “Toso” is a traditional drink for the new year, but what does the name mean? Answer: Bury the demons

January 19

Question: In the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs, which animal is used in place of the rabbit? Answer: Cat

January 25

Question: What color is the snow that falls in Europe in the spring? Answer: Red

January 30

Question: What’s the next unit of measurement up from a terabyte? Answer: Petabyte

Persona 4 Class Answers: February

February is the last month to worry about school answers, and you’ll take your Advancement Final Exams as well.

February 1

Question: What color were the pyramids originally? Answer: White

Persona 4 Advancement Final Exams: 2/6-2/10

Max knowledge is needed to ace these advance exams, which cover material from throughout the other school semesters.

Advance Exams 2/6

Question 1: The word “alphabet” comes from the words “alpha” and what other one? Answer: Beta Question 2: How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven? Answer: Attendance logs

Advance Exams 2/7

Question 1: What drink name means “bury demons”? Answer: Toso Question 2: What is the medical term for brain freeze? Answer: Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia

Advance Exams 2/8

Question 1: What is the Japanese zodiac equivalent to the “cat” in the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs? Answer: Rabbit Question 2: What vegetable was used to make the first jack-o’-lanterns? Answer: Turnips

Advance Exams 2/9

Question 1: What color were the pyramids when they were first built? Answer: White Question 2: What gets mixed with snow in Europe that sometimes causes it to turn red? Answer: The Sahara Desert sand

Advance Exams 2/10

Same as always here, except your Social Link bonuses don’t matter anymore. Results go up on Valentine’s Day, and then you’re free from school.

That’s absolutely everything you need to know about Persona 4 class answers and Persona 4 exam answers. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Persona 4 Golden guides in the coming days. Persona 4 Golden PC is now available on Steam for $19.99, but Atlus hasn’t said if the Vita port will come to the PS4. 

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