You don’t have to be an expert chef in real life to make it work, though. Our Persona 4 boxed lunch guide has the best method for preparing each meal so you don’t have to worry about it.

Persona 4 Boxed Lunch Guide: How to Make the Best Boxed Lunches

Why Make Persona 4 Boxed Lunches?

When you go home for the evening, you’ll occasionally have Nanako pop up and say she went shopping that day (yes, an elementary school kid does your shopping for you; it’s a thing). That’s your cue to get busy in the kitchen, because the fridge is stocked and won’t be full until Nanako goes shopping again.

Go into the kitchen and interact with the fridge; look and see what ingredients are there and what you can make. Making a boxed lunch takes up your evening, so keep that in mind if you’ve got something pressing you need to do, such as increasing your Knowledge for exams.

If not, it’s worth spending the time making a boxed lunch because you can share it with a friend during lunch at school the next day. Doing so increases your Social Link levels with them, which ultimately saves time later if you need an extra boost to get to the next Social Link rank.

Best Method for Making Each Persona 4 Boxed Lunch

Here’s all the different Persona 4 boxed lunches you can make and the best way to make each.


Persona 4 class and exam answers Persona 4 true and Golden ending requirements

And that’s all you need to know for making the best Persona 4 boxed lunch possible. Be sure to check out the links above for more tips, and if you’re looking for more help, try our Persona 4 guides.

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