The game is a first-person narrative that tells the story through a witty, blind girl named Cassie. As Cassie goes to Gloucester, Massachusetts to investigate the mansion that haunts her dreams, she uses her incredible hearing skills and smarts to not only overcome the demons inside, but also unravel the urban mystery of Echo Bluff.

Gameplay involves the player utilizing an echolocation type ability as the only time you can see what is around you is when Cassie taps her cane. If the player does not make any noise, they will be shrouded by the darkness that thrives in the mansion.

The Deep End Games also plans to have low-end vision support available in the game as they work towards their goal making it also available to the blind as well. 

As Perception is nearing the end of its Kickstarter campaign and as it moves closer to its overall goal with help from its fans, it is planned for a release on Steam in 2016. With enough support, digital copies will be available for both the Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4.

Lead Producer and Writer Amanda Gardner implores that, with the end of E3, it’s time to take a break from the big blockbuster action heroes, and bring our attention back onto something more grounded.