Jose Guerrero was accounted for missing on Dec. 21 after he didn’t get back from addressing a task.

Guerrero’s better half Sheila Perez, who imparts a 10-month-old girl to Guerrero, says he didn’t tell her where he was going, yet anticipated restoring in five to 10 minutes, she told NBC News.

After two days, his Hyundai was found deserted in the space of Bel Air and Jeffries Streets in Woodbridge, Virginia, Sovereign William Province Police Division expressed in a tweet.

“Jose is accepted to be absent under dubious conditions and might be needing help which qualifies him as imperiled,” police expressed on its true Twitter account.

Perez said blood was tracked down in the secondary lounge of Hyundai, as well as a path of blood from his vehicle to the close by woods.

“I ought not be here searching for him,” Perez told NBC while looking through the area. “It would be ideal for we to be at home.”

First Sgt. Jonathan Perok of the Ruler William District Police Division told NBC News examiners started scouring the region when “extra data” was gathered.

— MSN (@MSN) December 30, 2022

“We have since worked this case constant as the weekend progressed and presently,” he said. “We’ve directed various inquiries and have circled back to different leads that poor person yielded his area. What we want right presently is data and collaboration which we have not completely been getting from those associated with Jose.”

His family keeps on agonizing over him. Guerrero’s mom said special times of year struggle for the family.

“There was no Christmas for us. We were sitting tight for my child. His little girl spent her most memorable Christmas without her father.

It’s a little ridiculous. Someone requirements to shout out,” she mournfully told WTOP. Guerrero is a Hispanic male with earthy colored hair and earthy colored eyes.

He’s 5’8″ and weighs 109 lbs. He was most recently seen wearing a blue sweater and Levis with dark shoes.

Anybody with data ought to call the Sovereign William Area Police Office at 703-792-6500.