Police Boss Rudy Alcaraz uncovered to Fox News Computerized on Friday that they have video of Fuentes driving on her own after she was most recently seen with a companion on Sunday, August 7, at an AM/PM corner store in Selma, California.


The 22-year-old was supposedly last seen there at 4 am on that day, as per Selma police.

“We got her on camera after that. In any case, we won’t surrender that data, as we… need to sort of think about all roads,” he expressed. “The present moment, there’s nothing that is implying unfairness, yet, once more, we don’t have a lot of data.” wlice Division is helping out the Fresno Sheriff’s Office in the chase by utilizing a portion of its devices, like helicopters.

Government policing are supposedly likewise drew in, as per Alcaraz and the Fuentes family. The 22-year-old has been absent for a very long time, yet specialists haven’t gotten a particular data in regards to her whereabouts.

Subsequent to losing quite possibly of her dearest companion last year, her family thinks she took a drive to a provincial region east of Selma with plantations and grape plantations to get some natural air.

Subsequent to leaving a party, she drove back home and made a stop at her grandma’s home to get a cash and a sack prior to going to the AM/PM.

Since she was most recently seen, Jolissa has not called anybody or addressed her telephone, which is strange for her. As per Alcaraz, specialists are presently brushing the regions around Pine Level Lake and Avocado Lake.

They “don’t return until dull,” Jolissa’s mom Norma Nunez made sense of via telephone as she and her significant other searched for their girl.

“What I don’t comprehend is, in the event that you have this multitude of assets and different organizations included — police say the FBI is reaching out — we ought to have something. These are a portion of our top, prepared organizations in the US, evidently,” Joey Fuentes stated.”We’re giving our very best.

We don’t have any idea what to do,” he kept, adding that he and his better half are attempting to give their very best for find their little girl without compromising policing into the case.

— Mayra Franco (@MayraFrancoTV) October 11, 2022

“We need to ensure that in the event that we put something out, this is on the grounds that we have something new and an alternate course to head down and more data,” he expressed.

Fuentes drives a silver 2011 Hyundai Inflection with the tag 8MPU766 from California. A $10,000 reward is being presented for data prompting the 22-year-old’s whereabouts.

Nunez and her significant other have likewise set up a GoFundMe page called ‘Get Jolissa Home Safe’ request to raise assets for their inquiry and perhaps a confidential specialist.