Who Is Glen McCurley? Glen McCurley is a Fort Worth inhabitant who was viewed as an individual of interest during the initial investigation into Carla Walker’s homicide. According to the show, Carla’s beau, Rodney McCoy, said that two or three was sitting in his vehicle close to the west side of the city on February 17, 1974, when an obscure individual approached the vehicle. The man constrained open the traveler side entryway and yanked Carla out. At the point when Rodney dissented and attempted to ward the intruder off, the man took out a gun and started gun whipping him severely.


With Rodney oblivious on the ground, the aggressor captured Carla and made his break. For a really long time, Carla remained missing while her friends and family and the police did a frenzied hunt. Finally, three days after the kidnapping, Carla’s expired body was situated in a trench close to Benbrook Lake. A post-mortem uncovered that she had been tormented, beaten, and assaulted prior to being choked to death, while officials observed unfamiliar DNA proof on the casualty’s bra and clothing.

Initial investigation into the homicide was generally delayed as the police had no prompts work with. Be that as it may, specialists at last found a projectile cartridge accepted to be terminated by the culprit. Albeit the shot cartridge drove cops to Glen McCurley, he altogether denied his involvement when addressed. Glen was viewed as an individual of interest, yet the police couldn’t pressure them to reveal more than was prudent or get a capture warrant as they had practically zero proof against him.

The case lay immaculate with no movement for a considerable length of time. Be that as it may, analysts resumed the cold case in 2019. In the wake of realizing that the casualty’s bra and clothes had unfamiliar DNA, they sent them in for testing. The lab had the option to build a total DNA profile from the articles of clothing. Then, by using the high level strategy for hereditary lineage, the specialists reduced the presume rundown to three McCurley brothers. With just Glen being viewed as an individual of interest in 1974, officials zeroed in on him and took him in to be interrogated.

Where Could Glen McCurley Now be? After being addressed, Glen McCurley again insisted on his innocence and denied his involvement in the homicide. He expressed that the evening of February 17, 1974, he was walking along a parking parcel when he saw a young lady screaming inside a vehicle. Glen asserted that he went to the young lady’s assistance and protected her from the kid she was with. Nonetheless, specialists weren’t convinced with his assertion and chose to drive further. Along these lines, Glen separated under further interrogation and admitted to kidnapping, raping, and murdering Carla Walker.

According to the arrest warrant, McCurley didn’t know Walker.

His DNA matched DNA found on her clothing. 3pm press conference @NBCDFW

Background: https://t.co/mUxBoA5wHd pic.twitter.com/2JeY2YtAV2

— Lili Zheng (@LiliNBC5) September 22, 2020

Following Glen’s admission, he was captured and delivered in court. Notwithstanding, Glen concluded he needed a jury preliminary and argued not liable, causing everyone a deep sense of’s shock. Nevertheless, in an abrupt new development, the suspect had a shift in perspective which made him change his request to liable as charged. His admission naturally qualified him for a lifelong incarceration with next to no chance of parole in 2021. In this manner, Glen McCurley is presently spending his days behind bars at the Gib Lewis Unit in Woodville, Texas.