On Tuesday, December 20, a year after Lina’s vanishing, specialists set new reconnaissance film free from the day she disappeared. Lina was seen playing and at last strolling off the casing in the recording. Specialists guaranteed it was the last time she was seen.


The 4-year-old was wearing a red dress, a dark coat, and dark shoes in the video. She has been portrayed as being 4 feet tall and weighing around 55 pounds during her vanishing. Lina Sardar Khil lived in a high rise in San Antonio, Texas.

Lina’s family and the San Antonio Police Division have asked that the public keep on searching for the 4-year-old.

On December 20, 2021, Lina played at the jungle gym of an apartment building called Estate Del Cabo in San Antonio. Lina’s mom and brother were additionally present there minutes before she vanished. Police delivered observation film shipped off them by an occupant of a similar condo in the 9400 block of Fredericksburg Street.

As per Jeremy Volz, the lead analyst for the situation

Volz additionally referenced that numerous analysts, cops, and FBI specialists have attempted to search for Lina Sardar Khil. They even went house to house in the desire for finding her, however their endeavors have been to no end.

Analyst Jeremy Volz additionally said that the division has gotten a few hints, yet none has driven them to Lina Sardar Khil. As per the San Antonio Express-News, proficient jumpers and policing have been searching for Lina. Be that as it may, the hunt has not been productive yet.

Criminal investigator German Fuentes, who is additionally connected with the SAPD’s Unique Casualties Unit, considers the vanishing of the Texas young lady to be “dubious.” Fuentes said,

At the point when Lina Sardar Khil disappeared in 2021, Police Boss William McManus said that the policing and the FBI had been searching for her by ground and via air. He said,

“We have each accessible resource at the police office chipping away at this case at the present time. We are saving no resources nor assets attempting to find 3-year-old Lina.” McManus further expressed,

“The starting hours, the starting snapshots of her going missing…I mean, we began quick. We had assets on the scene from the Government Department of Examinations. We checked all over the place. We really look at dumpsters; we actually look at wardrobes. We looked through each and every loft in that perplexing, some at least a time or two. We had dead body canines going through that apartment building.” William McManus likewise referenced that they had an individual of interest. Notwithstanding, after a careful examination, the authorities saw as nothing strong. The specialists didn’t uncover the character of the individual of interest.

The reconnaissance film that police have delivered shows that Lina is playing at the jungle gym between 4.30 pm and 5.10 pm neighborhood time until she goes off the casing. As per policing, Lina was most recently seen then. Police additionally referenced that even after such countless days, the kid’s whereabouts are totally obscure.

Many prizes have been declared too, for anyone who can give strong prompts tackle the case. Wrongdoing Plugs had declared a compensation of $50,000, and the Islamic Focus of San Antonio had reported a prize of about $200,000.

Lina’s dad Riaz Sardar Khil in a meeting with the Express-News said,

“Large chunk of change could get Lina back however my thought process is, we don’t require cash. Simply kindly sympathize with our aggravation and offer back Lina. Kindly appeal to God for Lina,” As indicated by Riaz, the last time he saw Lina Sardar Khil was at 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm around the same time that she vanished. The Khil family allegedly escaped Afghanistan and came to the US in 2019. A few Afghan exiles resided in the space where the youngster disappeared.

Riaz referenced that he at first felt that somebody had taken his little girl, as it was exceptionally normal back in their country. He was anticipating that somebody should drop her girl back home once news circled that she was absent. At the point when it didn’t work out, Riaz understood that his then 3-year-old girl was grabbed.

— Henry RamosTV (@HenryRamosTV) December 20, 2022

Talking about the vanishing instance of Lina Sardar Khil, Volz expressed:

“Until she’s found, no individual and no hypothesis can be precluded on what has been going on with her.”

The San Antonio Police Division gave a delivery where they encouraged anyone having very much familiarity with the vanishing of Lina Sardar Khil to contact Wrongdoing Plugs or the police office’s missing individual unit.