On Monday, January 3, 2023, Trevor Bickford, 19, who is accepted to be a defender of Islamic fanatic philosophies, was accused of two counts of endeavored murder of an official and two counts of endeavored attack, authorities said in an explanation.


The young person, who had headed out from Maine to New York on December 29, 2022, was researched for potential connections to radical gatherings in the weeks preceding the assault yet was eventually not accused of psychological warfare.

According to numerous news sources, Bickford started engendering radical philosophies following the passing of his dad in 2018.

Bickford was hailed on the FBI information base after an overall made specialists aware of his incessant postings via web-based entertainment about Islamic radicalism.

On December 31, 2022, around 10 pm, Trevor Bickford went after two officials close to Times Square, striking one of the officials in the head and making minor wounds the other before he was shot in the shoulder.

Policing that Trevor Bickford, who purportedly wrote a note in a journal to his family requesting that they embrace Islam, will be accused of two counts of endeavored murder of a cop and two counts of endeavored attack. They added that they don’t have any idea when the suspect will be charged.

The journal found in the suspect’s rucksack was allegedly left deserted around the Times Square region at the hour of the assault. Policing, found the knapsack, said that they likewise found other strict materials notwithstanding the journal with the last passage dated December 31, 2022. The note found in the journal purportedly contained guidelines for his entombment alongside an individual message to his mom and brother. The note read:

“To my family — explicitly, mother — Please accept my apologies for not having been a sufficient child.” The note proceeded:

“I dread enormously that you won’t atone to Allah. Furthermore, in this way I hold trust in my heart that a piece of you accepts so you might be taken out to the damnation.”

Policing allegedly proceed with their examination concerning the youngster’s conceivable association with Islamic fanaticism. At a Sunday news meeting, the FBI’s Michael Driscoll said:

2 counts of Attempted Assault2 counts of Attempted Murder

More of our reporting from last night from outside Bickford’s home in Wells, Maine, where FBI agents spent the day: pic.twitter.com/moYMXvnNEn

— Arielle Mitropoulos (@AMitrops) January 2, 2023

Trevor Bickford was consulted by the FBI in mid-December after he communicated an interest in visiting Afghanistan in web-based entertainment posts. The high schooler likewise offered expressions demonstrating a craving to die for Islam.

Bickford’s family members purportedly detailed Bickford to policing they turned out to be progressively worried about his intense fixation on Islamic radicalism.