As an expert football trainer, Herve should venture to every part of the globe for games. His significant other, Viviane, goes along with him on these excursions, and the two appreciate sharing their experiences and making new recollections any place they go.

They partake in feasting out together, appreciating upscale food, and recording their selective events with loved ones through photographs.

In football, he is known as a strategic virtuoso, and he credits this to his accomplice, who furnishes him with mental help, evaluates his training style, and thoughts for new methodologies.

Moreover, they love each other, carry on with a lavish coexistence, and are as often as possible seen clasping hands in broad daylight. Viviane Dieye met Herve through shared companions and is currently seeing someone.

They’ve known one another for quite a while and met a couple of times when they were with their companions, and as they began talking and getting to know one another more, they became hopelessly enamored.

Viviane Dieye and Herve Renard secured the bunch in 2016 and joyfully wedded. They wedded in the wake of being seeing someone north of a year, and their sentiment is as yet pressing onward.

They live in Saudi Arabia, where Herve is the public group mentor, and have prosperous existences since the Saudi group pays their mentor liberally.

Herve Renard likewise supports Viviane Dieye’s shop, which he has advanced on numerous occasions. The athletic gear store in Casablanca is just for ladies and has been a famous foundation there, with a few notable brands accessible.

The store is situated in the business center of the financial city Twin Center. It has been accounted for in different news sources over here, as well similar to a famous stop for big names.

Viviane Dieye and Herve Renard took their youngsters from their past relationship on a climb, lived it up together, and had a little dry outing at Leo Highest point.

They observed Herve’s oldest girl Audrey’s birthday while they held the occasion with insignificant visitors, which was an exceptionally personal get-together.

Despite the fact that she is the oldest offspring of Herve’s past relationship, Viviane loves her as though she is her kid.

In July 2021, they went to Senegal with their companions during a get-away and lived it up together and partook in a great deal while having their time.

— Hervé Renard (@Herve_Renard_HR) November 22, 2022

While Viviane is likewise from Senegal, they visit their families together when they visit there and are loved by their relatives; in spite of having a previous relationship, the two of them comprehend and acknowledge their past.

They went on a decent supper date together and partook in their time along with a few sushi and wine, which Herve Renard shared on his Instagram.

The entire family visited the Riyadh safari toward the end of the week and lived it up there. It is a delightful park with various creatures and different exercises.

They are presently in Qatar for the 2022 FIFA World Cup and have been visiting various destinations, encountering new feasts, and investigating their way of life, as seen on their Instagram.

She was additionally rooting for his hubby during Saudi Arabia’s new game.